Frankfurt Airport experience with children

Es gibt jede Menge zu entdecken auf dem Frankfurter Flughafen - Frankfurt mit Kids

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„What did you say?“ I yell even louder. „Huh?“ I give up. A plane takes off just a few feet from us and my son-man doesn’t understand a thing. My two boys are all excited! Because we are at Frankfurt Airport today and spending our day here. But from the beginning…

Die Kinder hängen am Zaun der Besucherterrasse am Flughafen Frankfurt - Frankfurt mit Kids
The children hang on the fence of the visitors terrace at Frankfurt Airport – Frankfurt with Kids

Trip without flying at Frankfurt airport

Every now and then we meet my brother and his family at the airport when they are taking the in-laws to the airport in Frankfurt. That’s always a nice opportunity for us to visit Frankfurt Airport. And sometimes the boys just like to take a trip to the airport. Why not! Because you don’t necessarily have to go to the airport in Frankfurt to fly away and take a vacation. There is also so much to discover there.

Es gibt jede Menge zu entdecken auf dem Frankfurter Flughafen - Frankfurt mit Kids
There is a lot to discover at Frankfurt Airport – Frankfurt with Kids

Terminal hopping with the SkyLine train

Since the parking costs are very high and the boys love to take the train, we take the public transport. We arrive at Terminal 1 by S-Bahn. First we wander around. Since we are simply much too seldom at the airport, the search for the SkyLine, which takes us from Terminal 1 to Terminal 2, takes a little longer. Actually, it would have been relatively easy: Up the escalator and then straight towards the stores… well, that took a while, but it’s always exciting at the airport. There are so many things to see!

We walk once around the block and finally find the entrance to the SkyLine. My big boy asks me, „Where’s the driver?“ I explain to him that everything runs automatically here and that no driver is needed for this. He doesn’t really believe me. I can see it in his face. Somewhat confused and incredulous, he nevertheless gets in. And then believes it when he sees it. The train drives itself! My boys sit in the front. A little tip: If there is a lot of traffic, just wait for the next train. Because this leaves every 2-3 minutes and you can sit with your children in the front. The ride starts and we can also very briefly see the apron with a few aircraft. The ride time is no longer than 2 minutes, unfortunately – because the boys think it’s great.

Ganz vorne sitzen in der SkyLine Flughafen Frankfurt - Frankfurt mit Kids

Sitting right at the front in the SkyLine Frankfurt Airport – Frankfurt with Kids

Spiegelungen SkyLine Flughafen Frankfurt - Frankfurt mit Kids
Reflections SkyLine Frankfurt Airport – Frankfurt with Kids

The indoor playground Frankfurt Airport

From the SkyLine, we head straight to the indoor playground in Terminal 2. Going up and down the many escalators is fun for the boys! We have arrived: It’s really rare for me to see shoes off this quickly. „Come on, let’s slide!“ I still hear and away they go. Up into the rocket and down the slide again. They do this about 100 times before they get completely out of breath and say, „Thirsty, Mom!

Viele Rolltreppen machen Laune am Flughafen Frankfurt - Frankfurt mit Kids
Many escalators make mood at Frankfurt Airport – Frankfurt with Kids
Indoorspielplatz Flughafen Frankfurt - Frankfurt mit Kids
Indoor playground Frankfurt Airport – Frankfurt with Kids

Food directly at the indoor playground

Time for a refreshment. Since the kids have ants in their pants, we’re having fries at the big „M“ today to celebrate. But it’s also really a clever concept from the big M, because if you’re lucky (and we were on this day) you get a seat with small tables directly at the indoor playground. So short break for all: drink, eat and rest!

Essen mit Blick auf den Indoorspielplatz am Flughafen Frankfurt - Frankfurt mit Kids
Eating with a view of the indoor playground at Frankfurt Airport – Frankfurt with Kids

Then it’s back to the playground, where children can visit various stations on a soft floor. The theme is space travel and the kids love to climb the rockets, use the trampolines for „weightless flying“ and the smallest ones romp around on soft obstacles.

Schwerelos fliegen auf dem Indoorspielplatz am Flughafen Frankfurt - Frankfurt mit Kids
Weightless flying at the indoor playground at Frankfurt Airport – Frankfurt with Kids

The playground can get a little crowded at times. Over lunchtime, there is really a lot going on here. From 2 p.m. on Sunday it gets better and a bit more relaxed.

Tolle Möglichkeit, um sein Smartphone zu laden am Flughafen Frankfurt - Frankfurt mit Kids
Great way to charge your smartphone at Frankfurt Airport – Frankfurt mit Kids

The indoor playground in the airport is also okay for children up to 3 years, but they can’t climb up anywhere yet. From about 3 years they come up the slides independently, because the distances are so high that otherwise the parents have to help and may even have to squeeze through themselves! Even older children up to about 10/11 years still have fun sliding, romping and climbing.

Tolle Klettermöglichkeiten am Indoorspielplatz am Flughafen Frankfurt - Frankfurt mit Kids
Great climbing opportunities at the indoor playground at Frankfurt Airport – Frankfurt with Kids
Auch die Kleinsten können auf dem Indoorspielplatz am Flughafen Frankfurt sielen - Frankfurt mit Kids
Even the little ones can play at the indoor playground at Frankfurt Airport – Frankfurt mit Kids

Frankfurt Airport Visitors Terrace

Next, the children want to look at the airplanes on the visitors‘ terrace. It’s right next to the indoor playground in Terminal 2. We pay 3 euros per person, except for the youngest. From the age of 4, everyone costs the same. Unfortunately, I only found out afterwards that children with the HessenCard do not pay admission. The visitors‘ terrace can even be entered without a security check.

Auf zur Besucherterrasse am Flughafen Frankfurt - Frankfurt mit Kids
Off to the visitors‘ terrace at Frankfurt Airport – Frankfurt with Kids

We have even in mid-September a bright blue sky and almost 30 degrees. There are some shady spots and we enjoy the sun’s rays. Together we discover a lot: the different airlines, the baggage containers, a fire station, the A380 maintenance hangar, and and and. The kids take turns shouting „A plane is taking off!“ or „There, a Lufthansa“ (that’s one of the few logos they already recognize).

Besucherterrasse Flughafen Frankfurt - Frankfurt mit Kids
Visitors Terrace Frankfurt Airport – Frankfurt with Kids

The fence disturbs me a bit at first, but I quickly get used to it. There are a few holes through which I can put my cell phone to be able to shoot fence-free photos of the planes.

Guckloch auf der Besucherterrasse Flughafen Frankfurt - Frankfurt mit Kids
Peephole on the visitor terrace Frankfurt Airport – Frankfurt with Kids

There are many seating options to stay longer on the visitor platform. There are also covered places, a few girls had made themselves comfortable on it and slept. Why not – I could also lie down there directly and sleep, even with this noise.

[su_box title=“A few tips“ box_color=“#003380″ radius=“8″]

With the HessenCard all children come free of charge to the visitors‘ terrace!

With the visitor ticket you can get on the observation deck all day, so you can also go back in during rainy periods, for example.

Check out the Frankfurt Airport page Frankfurt Airport page for more information and a great PDF with an overview of everything you can see from the visitor terrace.


Blick von der Besucherterrasse Flughafen Frankfurt - Frankfurt mit Kids
View from the visitor terrace Frankfurt Airport – Frankfurt with Kids

A beautiful day out at Frankfurt Airport comes to an end

„Huh!? What did you say, Mom?“ – „We should go now, it’s getting late.“ „No, Mom, I don’t want to go yet.“ „Yes you do, I’d like to take the SkyLine back and then catch the S-Bahn.“ Fortunately, this helps the boys leave the visitors‘ terrace after all.

Von innen kann man auch gut die Flugzeuge am Flughafen Frankfurt beobachten - Frankfurt mit Kids
From the inside you can also watch the planes at Frankfurt Airport – Frankfurt with Kids

Exhibition „The Evolution of Flight“ in Terminal 2

Before we board the SkyLine again, we discover a giant pterosaur above us and are in the middle of the Senckenberg-Fraport exhibition  „The Evolution of Flight“. The boys are thrilled and take a close look at everything. Questions are answered such as „What do squids and rockets or the pteranodon pterosaur and an A380 have in common?“ The exhibition is open around the clock and free of charge.

Dinosaurierausstellung mit Senckenberg am Flughafen Frankfurt - Frankfurt mit Kids.jpg
Dinosaur exhibition with Senckenberg at Frankfurt Airport – Frankfurt mit Kids
Die Evolution des Fluges Ausstellung am Flughafen Frankfurt - Frankfurt mit Kids
The Evolution of Flight Exhibition at Frankfurt Airport – Frankfurt with Kids

Conclusion: A trip to Frankfurt Airport with children is worthwhile

Frankfurt Airport is not only exciting for children to take off. We spent a beautiful and very varied day of excursions here. From looking at airplanes, SkyLine ride, eat chips and look at dinos! We will definitely come again!


[su_box title=“Tip“ box_color=“#003380″ radius=“8″]Even in bad weather, the airport is worth a trip with children![/su_box]

Eine schöne große Besucherterrasse im Flughafen Frankfurt - Frankfurt mit Kids
A nice big visitor terrace in Frankfurt Airport – Frankfurt with Kids


Unfortunately already expired:

Event Tip: „Little Heroes, Big Flyers“

On October 3, 2019, kids can take a tour of the airport tarmac with various mascots – then admission to the visitors‘ terrace is also included. Tickets must be purchased online. On the day itself, this is no longer possible.

Kids can get their face painted for free on the Visitors Terrace from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. and there will be trivia for the kids.

Review of the „Little Heroes, Big Flyers“ Mascot Tour

Frankfurt Airport Directions

Since the parking fees are unfortunately very high, I would recommend to go there by public transport. There is a long-distance train station for the ICEs and ICs and a regional train station for S-Bahns and RE. It’s much more relaxed than driving. And my kids thought it was great to take the S-Bahn.

Fahrt mit der S-Bahn zurück vom Frankfurter Flughafen - Frankfurt mit Kids
Ride the S-Bahn back from Frankfurt Airport to the City – Frankfurt with Kids

What else is good to know


The toilets are also located right next to the indoor playground and the visitors‘ terrace. However, not only there, but also everywhere else in the airport there are possibilities to quickly find a toilet – actually a dream of every mother to have so many toilets for the kids in front of the nose!

Coloring and puzzle book against boredom

For kids, coloring and puzzle books are available free of charge at the information desks.

Children’s playgrounds

In Frankfurt Airport, there are isolated children’s playgrounds for romping.

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Another airplane peek-a-boo destination

Off to the A5 to watch planes – The viewing platform is located directly at the airport and on the A5. It’s completely free and besides planes you can also watch the cars and trucks on the highway for hours.

Flughafen-Aussichtsplattform an der Autobahn A5 - Frankfurt mit Kids
Airport viewing platform on the A5 freeway – Frankfurt with kids

More excursion destinations in Frankfurt and surroundings

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Catrin Häusser Frankfurt mit Kids

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