Old airfield in Frankfurt-Bonames

Alter Flugplatz Frankfurt

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Our legs are heavy, our heads red, our hair wet with sweat under our helmets. There are big smiles on our faces. All highly satisfied. We have successfully mastered the first longer bicycle tour to the old airfield in Frankfurt-Bonames together. My big boy on his little Puky bike, my little boy in the back with me on the bike in the child seat. My husband and I took turns cycling in front of and behind the busy boy-boy.

What is there to see?



Always along the Nidda

We drove from Praunheim along the beautiful Nidda to Bonames, the Frankfurt green belt is really wonderful. As an adult, you would probably cover the distance in 15-20 minutes. No great climbs, hardly any descents – plus the sun was shining and the mood of everyone involved was great. The best conditions for a nice family outing. After a few water-drink breaks, we arrived just under an hour later at the old airfield in Frankfurt-Bonames. Our big boy was as proud as Oskar and we all stroked the green belt animal at the bridge, which is supposed to bring good luck – you can always use it!

Landebahn Alter Flugplatz

Free ride on the old airfield

Here you can ride really super with everything that has wheels: Wheel, running wheel, inliner, skateboard, longboard, bicycle, tricycle, … or learn that here also, without landing immediately in a hedge! You have the 750 m long runway at your disposal, that should be enough! But that is not all. On the free meadows can be picnicked, kicked or just lazy around, the areas are really big and despite Pentecost weekend and sunshine was not too busy.

A wide landscape reserve to discover

The Old Airfield is located in Frankfurt’s green belt in the middle of a landscape conservation area. It was an old US military airfield called Maurice Rose Airfield where military helicopters landed. My big guy said they were off today and wouldn’t land again until tomorrow 🙂 well, almost right… The area has been redesigned and is now so overgrown that there’s not much of an airfield left to see. But there is more wilderness and that since 2003.

Froschkonzert Alter Flugplatz

The „LandschaftsLotsen“ project

There are plenty of animals to see if you take your time. On a path away from the Old Airfield, we went on an excursion. Since we were with my sons‘ kindergarten group, we were lucky enough to discover everything with a „LandschaftsLotsin„. Equipped with cachers, various containers and a lot of spirit of discovery, we plunged into the adventure. The kids received child-friendly information about frogs, birds and plants – and everyone had fun. They fished, fished, „snooked“ and „frogged“. Various animals found their way into the containers and were released again after being marveled at. Great!
So much nature and not far from the big city.

Adventure playground nature

But even without landscape pilots, who, by the way, are active for all on weekends on Saturdays and Sundays from 11-18 o’clock (from March to September), the area can be discovered. Frogs and tadpoles can be looked at, but be careful: since it is a nature reserve, please leave the animals there and in no case take them home. From April to June you can hear the water and lake frogs singing from everywhere, wonderful. Even my boys were quiet as mice.We climbed over the clod field, climbing is fun for everyone. But be careful: there are many water holes and the kids should not explore the area on their own. Here also note that strollers or wheelchairs come through here in any case not.

The willow maze hidden at the old airfield

Our boys really enjoyed the willow maze. It is somewhat hidden behind/next to the Fire Museum (more on this further down in the article). Just keep walking and look behind the bushes, there it is. It’s a lot of fun to walk through. Just watch out, there are a lot of stinging nettles – luckily my boys had thin long-sleeved shirts on, unfortunately they got me a time or two. You run various laps until you finally arrive at the center of the maze. The kids ran the maze several times and if we hadn’t told them that we had to go home now, they would probably still be running through it today.

The return trip – reward: ICE

We all cycled back tired but happy. However, since it was already very late and we still wanted to get home during the day, I put the boys off until another time and suggested a final ice cream. Without ice cream it would probably have been a bit more difficult, since you also pass many playgrounds. At the Eiscafé Paradiso we enjoyed the „snowman“, mango ice cream and iced coffees and were all happy about the bike ride. That evening we all fell into bed early.

Conclusion: Old airfield rocks!

The Old Airfield in Frankfurt-Bonames is really highly recommended. Here the kids can run freely and enjoy their freedom. It’s best to bring food and drink, a picnic blanket, a soccer ball and a ride-on vehicle, then it will be a successful day for everyone. So all available thumbs up for this great destination.

Alter Flugplatz Frankfurt Bonames


What you can bring to the Old Airfield

  • Everything that has wheels
  • Soccer, volleyball
  • Outdoor games
  • Long-sleeved sweater for the maze because of the nettles
  • Sunscreen
  • Sun hat/hat
  • Magnifying glass/excursion set to observe animals more closely
  • Rubber boots and a change of clothes including a change of shoes
  • Preferably everything for a picnic including a picnic blanket
  • Kites (not allowed during the breeding season from March 1 to July 15; can be rented at the TowerCafé)





Am Burghof 55, 60437 Frankfurt am Main, Hesse, Germany

By public transport, take the U2 subway line to the „Kalbach“ stop. Then you have to follow the signposted footpath via Unterer Kalbacher Weg in the direction of Bonames for about 10 minutes until you reach the old airfield.

You can also take bus 27 to the „Nordpark“ station, then walk west for about 5 minutes.

It is very easy to get there by car. There are a few parking spaces directly at Burghof 55, but in good weather or during events, it is better to come by bike or by subway. There is also a Park & Ride parking lot at the subway stop „Kalbach“ between Oberem and Unterem Kalbacher Weg, where you can also park.


LandschaftsLotsen on site

  • They give info around the Old Airfield.
  • They give guided tours about birds, frogs and plants.
  • Hands-on activities for families with kids
  • When. March-September, always on weekends (Sat. and Sun.) 11 a.m.-6 p.m. at the pilot stand at the Old Airfield.

Alter Flugplazt TowerCafé



Gastronomy on site

The former tower is now the TowerCaféat the old airfield and is located directly on the old runway. How it tastes, I can not judge, because we had a large picnic with us. You can either linger in the beer garden or inside. Here you will also find the toilets, which were clean during our visit. A place to change diapers is also available.



Fire Brigade Museum at the Old Airfield

Unfortunately, the Fire Museum at the Old Airfield was closed – it was a Saturday. Nevertheless, the museum lands on our wish list, because what guys don’t like fire departments? There are probably historic vehicles, fire extinguishers, hand-operated and portable fire pumps, uniforms and other equipment from different centuries to discover. The whole thing can be viewed from mid-March to October on Sundays from 9:30 to 12:30. During events at the old airfield Bonames possibly longer.

So, remember: Sunday = firefighters‘ day.


More tips

  • Attention: be sure to bring enough cash, there is no ATM at the Old Airfield.
  • Those who want to visit the Fire Museum should come on Sundays, it is open from 9:30 to 12:30.



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