Playground: Playpark Hochheim

Spielplatz Spielpark Hochheim

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My boys have long been on the tower before I could shout „Watch out!“. The playground „Spielpark Hochheim“ was built on the site of a former gravel pit, which you can tell by the terrain: it goes up and down and the playground seems to belong to the landscape! Especially children from about 4 years can let off steam on one of our favorite playgrounds and conquer everything on their own.

Rutsche Abenteuerspielplatz Hochheim

Climbing monkeys will love this playground

There are many ways to reach the 15-meter-high tunnel slide: via various net tunnels, a jungle bridge, large towers or via ladders. So many different paths lead to the destination and the kids love the variety. The slide is fast and, by the way, adults also fit through without any problems.

Kleiner Entdecker Corona-Tipp

Keep your distance!

Unfortunately, the playground is very popular, especially in the Corona outdoor times.

On sunny weekends it is very busy here and the AHA rules are unfortunately little respected here, so the police close off the playground from time to time. Please look out for each other and make sure you follow the rules. Otherwise, unfortunately, the excursion falls into the water….

Tip: If you can, go to the playground during the week on a morning.

Affenschaukel Abenteuerspielplatz Hochheim

Feel like Tarzan

For the older ones, from 10 years old, there is a 13-meter high Tarzan swing. If everything is occupied here, go on to the super-long zipline, where you can race down! By the way, this is not only great for kids … maybe you can have a go too!

Wipptiere Abenteuerspielplatz Hochheim

A small offer for the little ones

For the little ones there are some seesaw animals and sand and gravel areas for digging, so that the smallest offspring will not be bored.

Klettern Wipptiere Abenteuerspielplatz Hochheim

Conclusion about the playground: Spielpark Hochheim

For the older ones, from 10 years old, there is a 13-meter high Tarzan swing. If everything is occupied here, go on to the super-long zipline, where you can race down! By the way, this is not only great for kids … maybe you can have a go too!

Kleiner Entdecker Info

Attention in heat!

Unfortunately, there are very few shady places here. Thus, it gets really hot here in the summer. So it’s best to go when it’s cloudy, in the early morning or in spring or fall when the sun is not so strong.

Good to know

- Spielpark Hochheim -
  • Parking lot play park Hochheim L3028, 65239 Hochheim

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