Frankfurt city tour with children

Römerberg mit Minervabrunnen

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City tour of Frankfurt with children - find stories to discover here around the Römerberg in Frankfurt ...

On Tour with Kids

Frankfurt am Main has become our adopted home and we love it. I love walking through the new old town in the heart of the Main metropolis. I like the Römerberg with all the stories to discover. And as city guide Verena shows me one morning, there are also exciting things for kids.


Off to the Römerberg – or: 

Who finds the cats?

Kids will love this… If you’re standing on the Römerberg, there are a few cats to discover. Well, who will find them? There are some cats sitting on the Römer roof, which you can spot best from the Minerva fountain. In the second row of the town hall you can see two sitting on the stairs of the roof. If you go further to the left on the Römerberg, you will discover the third cat perched on the roof. 

And if you turn left at the Römer around the corner into Limpurgergasse and look up at the rain pipe, you can find the fourth cat swinging around the rain pipe. 



> More about the Römerberg


Frankfurter Römer mit Katzen

Why cats?

There were times when grain was stored in the town hall. Mice and rats love grains to nibble on, so they made themselves at home there. To counteract the rodents, cats were used to contain the infestation. Legend has it that this is how the cats were given a monument on the roof. By the way, you will never find more than two cats at a time.

Off to the New Old Town

Adam und Eva am Fachwerkhaus in Frankfurt

Stop 1: Adam and Eve

„What do you notice when you look at Adam and Eve?“ I am standing with Verena at Rapunzelgässchen/Markt. I look at her questioningly and have no idea. I learn that children often see directly that the two have no belly button. Which is correct in itself. Because Adam and Eve are the first people on earth, were not born human and thus had no umbilical cord. And why Adam was once no longer naked everywhere, the kids and their parents learn during a guided tour with Verena.

Die Neue Altstadt von Frankfurt

Stop 2: What color is the „New Red House“?

A few meters further on, you’ll come to Metzgerei Dey. And what do you call the color? Red. Okay – right. But what exactly is the color called? Oxblood red, and it’s exactly what you can buy as a hue these days. The name of the shade originated in the Middle Ages, when butchers regularly painted their houses with oxblood. Nowadays, fortunately, this is no longer the case and downstairs on the open first floor of the reconstruction you can meanwhile take a short break and eat frankfurters or fries.

Visit to the Frankfurt Imperial Cathedral / Kaiserdom

Have you ever been to the Imperial Cathedral of St. Bartholomew? No? Then let’s go. You can discover these exciting things there with kids: 


Find the Altar of Mary’s Sleep (1434-1438) – see picture above – and look at it closely with your kids: It tells the death of Mary and the life after death as a story. Do you see the three angels on Mary’s face? They are taking Mary up to heaven to God, who is pictured here. Mary is depicted in a white robe and as a girl who is allowed to go to heaven to God and find her salvation there.


There is a tomb of a girl about 4-5 years old from the year 680. It was probably a rich, noble girl, so a real princess! The grave is marked by a sandstone slab at the west entrance. 


There are many tombs in the cathedral, for example that of Johann von Holzhausen and Gudula von Goldstein. The two had the portrait made before their deaths. Look at how the two wanted to portray themselves in their robes.

Loch im Frankfurter Dom

A hole in the cathedral?

A deep, mysterious hole in the middle of a pillar in the cathedral. Where it comes from? No one knows the background! Can you find it? Why do you think this hole exists? And do you dare to put your hand into it?

The Frankfurt Graffiti at the Kleinmarkthalle Frankfurt

If you want something to eat, the Kleinmarkthalle Frankfurt is the place to go. This is where our tour ends today. In the backyard of the Kleinmarkthalle „An der Kleinmarkthalle“ there is a great Frankfurt Graffiti by the Offenbach based company Artmos4. The graffiti has so far been very successful in keeping people from peeing and leaving trash in the backyard. Next to it, there is the 2019 graffiti by Laura Dajana for #cleanffm to admire. Who can find the Eintracht eagle, the dinosaur or the Roman? After the search, be sure to browse the Kleinmarkthalle. Here everyone will find something delicious to eat or drink!

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Verena Röse und Catrin Häusser an der Kleinmarkthalle

More information as of June 2022

Address for the start of the tour:

Römerberg 26, 60311 Frankfurt am Main, Germany.


> to Google map


No free parking, best to use the surrounding parking garages or arrive comfortably by train.


Public transport

U4/U5 stop „Dom/Römer

Streetcar 11, 12, 14, 18 stop „Römer/Paulskirche“. 


Bring along

  • Time and a desire to discover Frankfurt


Further Information

You will find the tourist information directly at the Römer – they will be happy to help you with any further questions.


Individuelle Stadtführungen für die ganze Familie

Verena Röse ist seit 2009 offizielle Stadtführerin der Stadt Frankfurt und macht tolle Touren für Erwachsene, aber auch für Kinder.

Bei Verena kannst du ganz individuelle Stadtführungen buchen und ganz exklusiv für deine eigene, private Gruppe. 

Du möchtest eine Tour bei Verena mit deiner Familie oder mit Freunden buchen? 

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Catrin Häusser Frankfurt mit Kids

Hallo, ich bin Catrin, Zweifachmama aus Frankfurt. Ich bin immer auf der Suche nach schöner Familienzeit mit tollen Ausflügen und geheimen Ecken in und rund um Frankfurt, um sie dir vorzustellen!

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