Water nature trail in Frankfurt-Bornheim

Wasserlehrpfad Mainova Frankfurt Bornheim

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Knowledge & splashing

Water nature trail in Frankfurt

In this heat, we would very much like that Frankfurt was not on the Main, but on the sea… Frankfurt by the sea, what a wonderful idea! But since this is not the case, we have to look for the „sea“. And that next to the crowded open-air swimming pools on such a hot June day. We found it in Frankfurt-Bornheim. In the form of a water nature trail. A new find for Frankfurt with children – which I would like to introduce to you here.

Even the ride is an experience for children

We take the subway and bus 34 to Bornheim. We drive past „our tower“: The Ginnheimer Spargel towers directly in front of us and the boys are overwhelmed by the size of our tower, it is so much bigger than usual. Actually, it’s strange that in the years the kids have been in our lives, we’ve never made it to the TV tower. Today, at least, we drove right by. Looking out the window, the boy-boys had their fun.

Der Ginnheimer Spargel durchs Busdachfenster - Copyright: Frankfurt mit Kids
Der Ginnheimer Spargel durchs Busdachfenster

The Mainova water nature trail provides information

We got off at the „Bornheim Friedhof“ stop and just a few steps away, somewhat hidden, was the water nature trail in Frankfurt-Bornheim. This was built by Mainova to make us aware of how we use water and to show how we can or should use it responsibly. At nine stations, the kids can take a closer look at how the drinking water supply works. There are great display boards that describe everything in detail. I would say that this is really very informative for kids aged 8 and up, and my kids can’t really grasp it yet because of their age.

Wasserlehrpfad in Bornheim ist einfach z. B. mit dem Bus 34 zu erreichen

The water nature trail in Bornheim is easy to reach e.g. by bus 34.


Shade, water, rest and more water

Nevertheless, they also had their fun. Some of the water exhibits are interactive. That means the kids can really lend a hand themselves at the various stations. And foot! Station 3 in particular was a hit with all the children, toddlers and babies: here they are shown how much force is needed to transport water.

There is a hand pump, an Archimedean screw, a basin and a gutter, and of course the water.

Everyone has fun. Different tasks are
the big one operates the hand pump, dad turns the screw and the youngest
screw and the youngest of the bunch watches enthusiastically together with me!
Ein Spaß für alle: Handpumpe, archimedische Schraube, Becken, Rinne und natürlich jede Menge Wasser
Fun for all: hand pump, Archimedean screw, basin, gutter and of course lots of water

My personal highlight: The water tornado

I could have sworn that the boys would have been thrilled. But they weren’t. No matter – but I was! The water tornado never fails to impress me. So at Station 4 (groundwater recharge), I turn the hand crank until a vortex forms – the water rises up the edges and a suction is created. I could watch for hours if my kids hadn’t already run past stations 4 to 6 and stopped at station 7.

Der Wassertornado war mein Highlight
The water tornado is my highlight, is a little difficult for small children to get going

My children’s highlight: the hydroelectric power plant

At station 7 both boys could be active while we made ourselves comfortable on one of the beautiful benches. With the help of the two hand pumps, the two boy-boys pumped the water into the gutters, which led together and down towards the water wheel. This then turned steadily, the generator was driven and then hummed all the time. That was the most annoying thing about it, because this sound rang out from now on for the next hour. The boys made their electricity!

Mit Wasser kann man hier selber Strom erzeugen
You can generate your own electricity with water here

Thirsty? Then off to the drinking fountain!

Station 6 was initially skipped by the boys, but was later used all the more often. They ran to it with their cups and collected their drinking water or let it flow directly into their mouths. By the way, half a liter flows there per push of a button. One girl had her watering can with her and filled it. Then she drank from it – delicious 🙂

Trinkwasser schmeckt so besonders gut
Drinking water tastes especially good this way

The perfect place for picnics

It’s best to take a few odds and ends with you for the picnic. A picnic blanket can also be spread out, but we had left it at home, so we did not have to carry so much. There are some benches where you can also sit great. Then a few small snacks like apples, pretzel sticks, pretzels, watermelon in wedges, cucumber and peppers and the picnic is perfect.

Picknick mit Blick auf eine der neuen Stationen des Wasserlehrpfads

Picnic with a view of one of the new stations of the water nature trail


The water trail is located in the water park and there you can also finish the rest of the day. We like to throw our planes or have another picnic here. There is a lot of space to play and romp – so perfect for small and big explorers!

What else is there nearby?

If you still feel like a delicious coffee, you can enjoy one with a piece of cake at the nearby Café CooCoo. Unfortunately, the café was closed that day for vacation.

Das Café CooCoo hatte leider gmwegen Urlaub geschlossen
Café CooCoo was unfortunately closed for vacation

If you want to end the day with a delicious ice cream, I suggest you  Marie fine ice cream. Or you go up to the Lohrberg.

Conclusion: Worth a visit for the whole family

If you want to spend a morning or afternoon for a few hours almost completely undisturbed in the park, relax on a bench in the shade while letting the kids play with water and also learn something, this idyllic place is really highly recommended. We will come again!

Der Wasserlehrpfad ist einen Besuch mit oder ohne Kinder wert
The water trail is worth a visit with or without children


Where exactly is the water trail located?

The water nature trail is located in the water park Friedberger Landstraße in Frankfurt am Main Bornheim. You can reach it via the entrances to the park on Dortelweiler Straße or via Friedberger Landstraße.


How do I get there?

Arrival by bus & train

Take streetcar 18 / bus 30 to Frankfurt am Main Wasserpark stop or bus 34 to Frankfurt am Main Friedhof Bornheim stop (is closest). If you pass by in Ginnheim, keep an eye out for the Ginnheimer Spargel 🙂

Approach by car

By car you can park in just a few meters from the water trail. On Saturdays and Sundays even free of charge. There is a nursery and a café with whose customers you have to „fight“ for the parking spaces.

Or you can park directly on the free parking spaces on Friedberger Landstraße. From there, you can walk directly through the water park to the Mainova water nature trail.

Opening hours

The water trail is always open from 8 am every day from April to the end of October (depending on weather conditions). Only in the evening the gates close depending on when the sun says goodbye:

April08:00 – 19:00
May – August08:00 – 20:00
September08:00 – 19:00
October08:00 – 18:00

The remaining months – that is, from November to March – the various water features are not in operation.

This is what you should bring for a water trail tour if splashing is allowed:

  • Bath towels/towels
  • Change of clothes (including socks and shoes if necessary)
  • swim diaper
  • Swimming trunks
  • Swimming shirt
  • Sunscreen
  • Sun hat, which may get wet
  • Small boat, which can be driven
  • Bucket, cup, watering can, etc. with which to scoop water


What else is good to know?

  • Duration: about 1-3 hours
  • Toilets are available
  • There are trash cans
  • Free drinking water from the fountain
  • If you want to relax a bit or have a picnic,
    there are some nice park benches
  • Almost the entire water trail is in the shade
  • But there are also many sunny places not far from the water trail
Bring Wasserspielzeug mit, deine Kids werden es dir danken
Bring water toys, your kids will thank you for it


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