Senckenberg Museum Frankfurt

Senckenberg Museum Frankfurt

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It is raining. The mood is in the cellar. The children are running around the living room and can’t help but sink into a low mood. As a result, my mood sinks, too. So it’s time for an outing. I ask the kids where to go. „To the dinos!“ I hear the big one say. All right, we haven’t been to one of our favorite museums in Frankfurt for a long time: So off to the Senckenberg Museum Frankfurt!

Dinosaurs as far as the eye can see

The impressive size of the dinosaur skeletons amazes children and adults! On the first floor of the Senckenberg Museum, they fascinate my boys. „Are they dead, Mom?“ or „Why are they hanging here?“ or „Why can’t he swim anymore?“ Lots and lots of questions to answer! Diving into hundreds of millions of years of evolution is fun – and not just for the kids.

My boys look quite puzzled at the size comparison. Simply unbelievable how big dinosaurs were!

„I’m almost as big as the Tyrannosaurus Rex, Mom!“

Größenvergleich Senckenberg Museum Frankfurt
Size comparison

Volcanic eruption at the push of a button in the Senckenberg Museum Frankfurt

The highlight of the guys at the Senckenberg Museum is always the volcano. You can even see an eruption here. Have you discovered the room yet? It’s not always easy to find. On the first floor, you’ll find it in the section on earthquakes & climate change and how mountains form.

Every 5 minutes the volcano erupts when the button is pressed! In the meantime you can look at the great planets – or a little further on the continental plates of the last and next millennia can be moved by means of a steering wheel.

Vuklkanausbruch Senckenberg Museum
The boys are waiting impatiently for the volcano to erupt

A hidden object book for small and large discoverers

In the picture you can see one of my favorite rooms. There is always something new to discover here, like in a gorßen Wimmelbuch! You can stay here in the room for a long time without getting bored.

Wimmelbuch Senckenberg Museum
There is always something new to discover here

Conclusion Senckenberg Museum Frankfurt

The largest natural history museum in Germany offers a great, exciting visit even for the youngest from about 1.5 / 2 years. It’s best to plan plenty of time, as the museum has a lot to show. Or just follow your children, because they already show you what is worth seeing. The museum anything but boring and the perfect destination for the whole family not only, but especially on a very rainy day.

Tip: Bring time, because there is a lot to see!

Dinosaurier vor dem Senckenberg Museum
You will be greeted by dinos already at the entrance


Senckenberganlage 25
60325 Frankfurt am Main

Further information directly on the website of the Senckenberg Museum

How to get there

Subway: U4 Bockenheimer Warte

Useful information about the Senckenberg Museum Frankfurt

  • You can bring your own food and drinks in the break room, there are tables and chairs and some sweets in the vending machines there.
  • You can lock backpacks & co. in lockers
  • There is the possibility for a small price to experience dinos via augmented reality
  • There are special children’s and family tours, it is best to check the Senckenberg Museum Frankfurt page directly for more information

Ticket prices

Adults from 16 years: 10 Euro

Children from 6 years: 4,50 Euro

Family ticket (2 adults, up to 3 children up to 15 years) 25 Euro

Family ticket Hesse (2 adults, all children up to 18 years) 20 Euro

Opening hours

Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri 9 a.m. to 5 p.m

Wed 9 a.m.-8 p.m

Sat, Sun 9 a.m. to 6 p.m

Warst du schon mal hier? Wie hat es dir gefallen?


Another highlight: the subway, which runs out of the ground!

You will find it if you take the Roltreppe up from the subway (in the direction of the Senckenberg Museum).

Bockenheimer Warte U-Bahn
There goes the subway into the ground – stop Bockenheimer Warte

What’s nearby for you and your family

Frankfurt Palm Garden

Within walking distance of the Senckenberg Museum is Frankfurt’s green oasis, the Palmengarten. Read my experience report to find out what you can do there.

Palmen-Express im Palmengarten in Frankfurt

Food & Drink nearby

  • Café Extrablatt – delicious food, lots of space
  • gramm.genau – Frankfurt’s first Zero Waste Café with a small children’s corner

More destinations on Frankfurt with Kids

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