Frankfurt Zoo for the whole family

Löwen im Frankfurter Zoo

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Frankfurt Zoo is worth seeing for the whole family. Find practical tips, photos and my highlights here.

A trip to Frankfurt Zoo is exciting for the whole family. Whether it’s a short trip or a whole day, there’s plenty to discover, no matter how much time you bring along. I have summarized my highlights with some practical tips here:

Zoo highlights

  1. Houses
  2. Playground
  3. Petting zoo
  4. Our favorite animals
  5. Show feedings
  6. More info

The houses in the Frankfurt Zoo

There are great houses at Frankfurt Zoo that make a visit to the zoo a great experience even on cold or wet days. I especially love the great Grzimek House. The house of nocturnal animals is not only super exciting for kids. Because here you experience the animals at night – everything is dark.


Tip: It’s best to read through the information on the three lighter enclosures with your children first. This way, the eyes get used to the darkness and the children can find the animals better.

Ein tolles Highlight ist das Nachttier-Haus


A great highlight is the night animal house

The cat jungle is a favorite spot with my boys. The kittens can be wonderfully observed through the glass pane. The lion family has also grown and the „little ones“ like to romp around outside and test the water in the trenches.

Im Katzendschungel gibt es viel zu entdecken


There is much to discover in the cat jungle

Bogori Forest is an ape house and my boys always have great fun watching the animals here. There are beautiful plants and even a waterfall – you think you are in a jungle. Sometimes my kids forget that there are glass panes separating us and back away when the apes come up to the glass.

** EDIT: JULY 2022 – The Bogori Forest is unfortunately still closed due to the pandemic **.


Tip: The best place to warm up in winter is here in the monkey house, where the climate is tropical!

Wer beobachtet wen im Borgori-Wald


Who is watching whom in the Borgori Forest?

We particularly enjoy spending time in the Exotarium. Even when my youngest was still in the stroller, the sea creatures and especially the colorful fish were the highlight for him. Now it’s the crocodiles and lizards and snakes! Everywhere green geckos run around freely – they are allowed to do that and are not escaped, but always so on the road. So have fun searching the green ones 😉 Maybe you’ll be in here a little longer, too, because we could spend the whole day in the Exotarium.

By the way, there is a daily tropical storm at the crocodiles on the 1st floor at 11:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m.


Tip: When it rains, you can spend extra time here. In the entrance area you can also rest on benches and unpack your bread box.

Das Exotarium ist für die Kinder ein großes Abenteuer


The Exotarium is a great adventure for the children

Ein blauer Frosch fasziniert die Kinder


A blue frog fascinates the children

The playground at Frankfurt Zoo

Directly opposite the entrance to the Exotarium, you won’t be able to avoid the playground. The playground is perfect for a quick stop to replenish energy reserves and let the kids run and romp.

What is here?

  • Climbing facilities
  • Slides
  • Swings
  • Trampolines
  • Rope for balancing
  • Sandbox


Tip: Take a nice picnic from home and enjoy it with your children on the playground. Or there is also a snack bar next door where you can get yummy chips & sausages! 

Der Spielplatz im Zoo Frankfurt ist groß genug zum Toben.


The playground at Frankfurt Zoo is big enough for romping.

Klettern, Schaukeln und Trampolingspringen


Climbing, swinging and trampolining

Pause machen kein Problem


Taking a break is not a problem here

Dem Pfau gefällt es hier auf dem Spielplatz auch


The peacock also likes it here on the playground

The petting zoo

We haven’t used the petting zoo that much yet, as the pygmy goats preferred to stay in their secured area when we were there. And there the children have no access! So there are no stressed animals either! I think that’s great. A disadvantage is of course that can not always be stroked.

But next to the petting zoo you’ll find other animals to look at, which will quickly distract your kids.

Tip: You can even brush the goats – you can find the soft brushes at the goat pen. If the goats don’t want to, they run away or push. Then better stop with the fur care!

** EDIT: The petting zoo might be closed due to the pandemic – please check ahead **.


Our favorite animals

There are sooo many animals at Frankfurt Zoo: over 4500 animals in 450 species! Of these, the following are among our favorite animals:

  • Meerkat
  • Pinguins
  • Seals
  • Bats
  • Kangaroo
  • Giraffe
  • Lions
  • Bears

Erdmännchen Frankfurter Zoo


The meerkats are one of our highlights at Frankfurt Zoo


The new penguin 

Kinder beobachten Pinguine im Zoo Frankfurt

Kind beobachtet die Pinguine im Zoo Frankfurt


The new penguin enclosure at Frankfurt Zoo impresses not only children. If you walk all the way to the back next to the seals, you’ll come to a small, secret corner where you can watch the penguins wonderfully. My boys didn’t want to leave. 


The show feedings

The show feedings are always great to watch. The boys love the ones at the seals! So don’t miss out…

Schaufütterung bei den Robbenklippen


Paddle feeding at the seal cliffs

Useful information

Address: Bernhard-Grzimek-Allee 1, 60316 Frankfurt am Main

This is how you get there:

The easiest way is by public transport. The U6 and U7 go directly to the „Zoo“ stop. 

By car there are the following parking garages nearby:

  • Parking garage Zoopassage: Grüne Straße 11
  • Parking garage City-Parkhaus Ost with 2 entrances: Waldschmidtstr. 43 or Wittelsbacher-Allee 26
  • Parking garage Mousonturm: Waldschmidtstr. 6
  • Multi-storey parking lot Red Cross Clinic: Königswarterstr. 19


Opening hours


Good to know: You can rent a trolley at the cash desk for a rental fee of 5 Euros and a deposit of 20 Euros.

Bollwerwagen zum Ausleihen - sehr praktisch für die Familie


Bollwer trolley for rent – very convenient for the family


Bollerwagen für Familien zum Ausleihen im Frankfurter Zoo

Und es gibt Schließfächer für alles, was man nicht herumtragen möchte.


And there are lockers for anything you don’t want to carry around.



Admission fees & opening hours

Children under the age of 6 are admitted free of charge – if your children have the Kufti, they can also enter free of charge.

>> For more information on admission prices and opening hours, please visit the website of the Frankfurt Zoo.


Tips for your visit

Find out about the current feeding times before your visit, this is especially fun for the kids.
The evening tariff is a great way to make a short stop at the zoo for less. It’s always valid two hours before zoo closing each day – but unfortunately not for the family ticket! And make sure that the animal houses close half an hour earlier.
By the way, family tickets are valid for max. 2 adults and max. 4 children aged 6-17.


For more information and a special offer for children and teens, visit the Frankfurt Zoo page.

Der Sumatra-Tiger wurde auch von meinem Großen fotografiert


The Sumatran tiger was also photographed by my big boy

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Familienausflug in den Zoo Frankfurt

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Catrin Häusser Frankfurt mit Kids

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