A day at the hands-on museum with my kids

A Monday in cold January. My two boys have kindergarten free and I thus submitted a day off. The cold slowly moves from the feet further and further up and the boys already grumble because of the cold wind. We have to make ourselves on the way to the Experiminta Frankfurt [small note on the side: there are innumerable variants, as you can write Experimenta or Expirimenta or Experimenta – however, correctly is actually Experiminta!]

The entrance door opens automatically and my boys already think it’s „super cool“ – just to make a long story short: This will also be the first thing my little one will proudly tell his dad about the Experiminta Museum in the evening!

There are a total of 11 areas and stations distributed over four levels. This already shows how many experiments can be carried out and that you should bring quite a lot of time here.

Please do not touch – there is no such thing here. On the contrary, please touch, try and test! And preferably several times.

My quick check:

  • Age recommendation: from 3 years
  • Lots to research, experience and try out
  • Small dishes for hunger
  • Lockers for your belongings (bring 1 Euro coin)
  • Easy to reach by streetcar
  • Allow at least 3 hours and a break

Highlight Nummer eins für uns alle: die Riesen-Seifenhaut
Highlight number one for all of us: the giant soap skin

Tip: On some days there are demonstrations, for this it is worth taking a look at the calendar of events on the Experiminta-Website.



Riesen-Baukloetze für die Jungs ein Paradies
Giant building blocks are a paradise for the boys

Farbspiele Experiminta Frankfurt
Color games Experiminta Frankfurt

Conclusion: Experiminta is worth seeing with children

The Experiminta Frankfurt is a special kind of hands-on museum for young and old. We spent a great day here from 10 am to 2 pm and will be back again. A great day with lots of highlights that the boys will have something to talk about for a long time.

Tip: It can get quite crowded when there are several groups and school classes on the road at the same time. It’s worth skipping rooms or floors and returning to them later. Then you don’t have to stand in line to experiment!

Kräftemessen im Themenbereich "Stark und Schwach"
Test of strength in the „Strong and Weak“ theme area

Treten, was das Zeug hält - da muss Mama helfen, dass der Zug losfährt
Kicking for all it’s worth to generate electricity – mom has to help get the train moving

Highlights for Experiminta Frankfurt

Since there is so much to discover here, I have summarized our highlights (my boys are 4 and 5 years old) in pictures, enjoy:

Seifenblasen-Experimente - aber nicht pusten!
Soap bubble experiments – but don’t blow!

Der Puzzle- und Rätselraum
The puzzle and riddle room


Im Pausenraum kann man gut snacken
In the break room you can snack well

Schöner Blick aus dem Pausenraum
Beautiful view from the break room

Platz in den Schließfächern für Rucksack & Co.
Space in the lockers for backpack & Co.

Würstchen und Kartoffelsalat
Sausages and potato salad from the cafe

Autofahren schon ab 4 Jahren möglich :)
Driving a car possible from the age of 4 🙂

Auf dem Gang rennen? Hier erlaubt und erwünscht!
Running in the hallway? Allowed and encouraged here!

Am Flaschenzug sich selber hochziehen
Pull yourself up on the pulley

Glücksspiel auch für Kinder erlaubt
Gambling also allowed for children

Das Kugelbahn-Experiment war das Highlight
The ball track experiment was the highlight

Farbspiele hinter den Kulissen
Color games behind the scenes

Ab ins Experiminta Frankfurt
Off to Experiminta Frankfurt

How to get there


EXPERIMINTA ScienceCenter FrankfurtRheinMain
Hamburger Allee 22-24
60486 Frankfurt am Main

Public transportation:

Tram stop Varrentrappstraße (line 16 and 17)

Or on foot (about 10 minutes)

  • Bockenheimer Warte (subway lines U4, U5, U6 and U7; bus lines 32, 36, 50 and 75)
  • Festhalle/Messe (subway lines U4 and U5; bus line 50)
  • Messe (S-Bahn lines S3, S4, S5 and S6; bus line 50)

Opening hours Experiminta

Please note the current opening hours due to Corona restrictions on the Experiminta website.


09:00 a.m. – 02:00 p.m.

Tuesday till Friday09:00 a.m. – 05:00 p.m.
Saturday/Sunday/Holiday & during Hessian vacations10:00 a.m.  – 06:00 p.m.

Please rate this item

Experiminta Frankfurt hands-on museum: 1 Stern2 Sterne3 Sterne4 Sterne5 Sterne
4,28 von 5 Punkten, basierend auf 18 abgegebenen Stimmen.


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