We run through the puddles looking for earthworms. It’s an annoying rainy day in Frankfurt. But what are you supposed to do with your kids on a day with so much rain in Frankfurt and the surrounding area? Sit around in the hut? No way! We always have to get out, otherwise the ceiling will fall on our heads. Here are some excursions with kids that are fun even in the rain.
Advertising: You can swing the mini golf club in black light with 3D effects and great graffiti at the Schwarzlichthelden in Frankfurt. Why it is a great indoor destination also for families, you can read here.
Advertising: The clip’n climb Frankfurt is the somewhat different climbing hall for kids from 4 years. Here, young and old can test and overcome their limits.
Museums are simply great. Museums are especially popular on rainy days, but so what? The main thing is warm and dry!
What? In the rain at the zoo? Sure, because there are great houses at Frankfurter Zoo where you can stay for a long time:
*I got the tips from Mon_bianca_mon (via Instagram).
You can find more trips with route suggestions, addresses, age recommendations and more in my digital magazines. So you save time searching and find the perfect family trip.
Brand new: The digitale autumn magazine with lots of tips for the cooler and wet days!
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