Viewing platform at the airport on the A5 in Frankfurt

Flughafen-Aussichtsplattform A5

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When we drive south to our family, we pass the airport on the A5 and have often seen people standing right at the fence, looking at the belly of the planes - with mouths wide open. Now we wanted to try that out too!

When we drive south to our family, we pass the airport on the A5 and have often seen people standing right at the fence, looking at the belly of the planes – with mouths wide open. Now we wanted to try that out too!

Watching airplanes for free

Flugzeug auf der A5 - Copyright Frankfurt mit Kids

We are on the way with our car. The viewing platform is right next to the airport and the A5. That means we don’t drive to the airport, it’s not the airport’s own viewing platform, so it’s also completely free. There are no horrendous parking fees here, and no entrance fees to go plane-watching. You’ll find free parking about 300 meters from the viewing platform.

Over the A5 freeway bridge

Blick auf die A5 - so leicht kannst du deine Kids glücklich machen!


View of the A5 – so easy you can make your kids happy!

After a short walk of about 10 minutes, we are already there. A highlight is the highway bridge with eight lanes – already here you can easily spend 15 minutes. But every two minutes an airplane flies over our heads – which then again attracts everyone’s attention.

Tip: Take a running bike or bicycle for the kids, so you can get to the viewing platform faster.

Ein ebener Weg zur Plattform - super zum Rennen!
A flat path to the platform – great for running! 

Planes, planes and planes!

So macht Flugzeuge Gucken besonders viel Spaß - Copyright: Frankfurt mit Kids

Besides many children, some photographers are always present with their huge telephoto lenses – i am unsure who is more excited, the photographers or the kids? We stand together on the A5 highway and look at one plane after the other – they take off and land every minute.  

We are happy: my two boys, because at this moment there is nothing ts better than watching airplanes land or take off. The parents, because there’s nothing better than seeing the kids happy… and with so little effort. 

Well then… I heard for what felt like the 100th time now „Mamaaa! A giant airplane!“ and the enthusiasm of my children was just wonderful to watch.  

Another highlight are the raisin bombers, which are located next to the viewing platform just a few meters away. The boys are very excited when the fire department comes in for a photo to the raisin bombers. And the raisin bombers are also well worth seeing. 

Luftbrückendenkmal mit Rosinenbomber
Air bridge monument with raisin bomber


When to go?

You can make this trip all year round. Wrap up warm in winter (there’s often a strong wind here) and protect well from the sun in summer, as there’s no shade. Perfect for a short trip when the blanket falls on your head and you are overcome by cabin fever.

What can I see?

  • Highway from above with eight lanes!
  • Landing and taking off airplanes, luggage transport trucks, buses, fire departments, police, everything that makes children’s hearts beat faster
  • Raisin Bomber



  • The airport is not far from the city of Frankfurt. And therefore also not the observation deck.
  • By car take the A5, exit Zeppelinheim and take the next street to the left (short left turn lane) into the Wald/Hurenschneise, drive through to the end, there is almost always a free parking lot.


Parkplatz Aussichtsplattform Zeppelinheim

63263 Neu-Isenburg

In some Navis you will find the free parking under „Hurenschneise/Neu-Isenburg“.

Public transport

  • With the S-Bahn S7 Frankfurt – Groß Gerau – Riedstadt to Zeppelinheim
  • Take bus line OF-64 Airport Terminal 1 – Dreieich-Offenthal to the bus stop „Luftbrückendenkmal“. From there you can walk up to the observation deck (also suitable for strollers).

The way to the platform

  • 300 meters walk over the highway bridge directly to the viewing platform.
  • The path is flat, can be wonderfully traveled with a stroller – or other vehicle.


More tips

  • Picnicking is possible on the benches made of concrete. Although they are a bit cold in winter, they are wonderful in summer. It’s best to be there early in the morning or in the early hours of the morning so you can still grab one of the coveted seats. Or head down to the Raisin Bombers, there’s sure to be a spot left on the benches. You can also enjoy time with the kids here.
  • Those who want to and have room in the trunk can take a wheel, bicycle or other wheeled vehicle with them, and the kids can have a wonderful romp on the footpath to the viewing platform.
  • You have a lot of time? Then play the game on the highway bridge: Who sees a blue car? Or, if you want to make it longer, who can see a red or green car?
  • Or do the waving game – always fun for the kids on highway bridges.
    I used to have so much fun doing that and didn’t want to stop….

Von oben siehst du noch besser! Frankfurt Flugzeugplattform - Copyright Frankfurt mit Kids

This is what is available in the vicinity

More airplanes?

Tip 1: Visit Frankfurt Airport with kids

Blick durch den Zaun an der Besucherterrasse Flughafen Frankfurt - Frankfurt mit Kids

Also check out my post on visiting the airport with my kids. Here I tell you what you can do at Frankfurt Airport with your kids and why you should sometimes better let a train go and wait for the next one.

Tip 2: Aircraft mock „At the dune“

Also there is a free viewing platform „An der Düne“, which is very worth seeing and that at a height of 3 meters.  

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